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龍團花球茶 Oolong Tea Bags with Floral Patterns bag
龍團花球茶有記烏龍茶 × 故宮最IN團花典藏 這是你夢寐以「球」的一杯茶!盛清時期或許受到日本蒔繪圖案的影響,大小錯落、活潑可愛的團花紋成為康熙、雍正、乾隆流行的裝飾紋樣。團花紋把多種花卉轉為圓形圖樣,像極了一個個圓滾滾的皮球,又稱皮球花,成為清宮器物上超IN的新花樣。龍團花球茶以木炭烘焙的焙籠為商品卡,以龍字致敬有記名茶傳承百年的傳統製茶工法,以清宮時尚又活潑的團花紋樣,點綴茶球造型的團揉。
Perhaps due to the influence of Japanese Maki-e, the lovely and lively varied round floral patterns became popular during the early period of Qing Dynasty. The design turns a variety of flower motifs into circular patterns, resembling a ball, also known as a ball flower, which was considered state-of-the-art at that time. The commodity card of this goods is shaped like a bam-boo basket and the Chinese character "Dragon" is used to pay homage to the century-old tea producer “Wang Tea”. The ball-like appearance is decorated with round floral patterns. Drinking tea is a romantic surprise!