2020 三個百年品牌有記名茶、林三益筆墨專家、李亭香餅店與故宮聯名開發商品,三家老店各三樣商品,將會陸續推出。
龍團花球茶 Oolong Tea Bags with Floral Patterns bag
龍團花球茶有記烏龍茶 × 故宮最IN團花典藏 這是你夢寐以「球」的一杯茶!盛清時期或許受到日本蒔繪圖案的影響,大小錯落、活潑可愛的團花紋成為康熙、雍正、乾隆流行的裝飾紋樣。團花紋把多種花卉轉為圓形圖樣,像極了一個個圓滾滾的皮球,又稱皮球花,成為清宮器物上超IN的新花樣。龍團花球茶以木炭烘焙的焙籠為商品卡,以龍字致敬有記名茶傳承百年的傳統製茶工法,以清宮時尚又活潑的團花紋樣,點綴茶球造型的團揉。
Perhaps due to the influence of Japanese Maki-e, the lovely and lively varied round floral patterns became popular during the early period of Qing Dynasty. The design turns a variety of flower motifs into circular patterns, resembling a ball, also known as a ball flower, which was considered state-of-the-art at that time. The commodity card of this goods is shaped like a bam-boo basket and the Chinese character "Dragon" is used to pay homage to the century-old tea producer “Wang Tea”. The ball-like appearance is decorated with round floral patterns. Drinking tea is a romantic surprise!
國寶奇種烏龍茶組 Chi-Chong Oolong tea- gift set
國立故宮博物院藏文泥金鉅作《龍藏經》之珍呼應獨一無二奇種製茶法宋元名畫范寬《谿山行旅圖》、倪瓚《容膝齋圖》之貴,烏龍香韻繚繞共鳴百年嫡傳奇種烏龍 ,輝映故宮稀世珍寶,敬獻味覺與視覺的藝術饗宴
仕女有梗茶包 meme Wenshan Pouchong Tea–meme tea bag
文山包種茶 X 茶梗驚喜包
The finest tea leaves are lightly roasted to create a natural aroma and fragrance when brewed; the tea stems are carefully selected by the tea producer, Wang tea. The taste and aroma of a cup of good stem tea will be unforgettable and full of flavor. One tea box contains 10 tea bags. Each tea bag features one of the essential parts of the National Palace Museum’s painting “Spring Dawn in the Han Palace” (Qiu Ying, 1494-1552). This premium tea collection includes 9 tea bags with extract paintings from the famous painting and a surprise bag of stem tea with the painter in the painting. You can create your own personal memes on tea bags, and share with your friends.
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