國寶奇種烏龍茶組 Chi-Chong Oolong tea- gift set
國立故宮博物院藏文泥金鉅作《龍藏經》之珍呼應獨一無二奇種製茶法宋元名畫范寬《谿山行旅圖》、倪瓚《容膝齋圖》之貴,烏龍香韻繚繞共鳴百年嫡傳奇種烏龍 ,輝映故宮稀世珍寶,敬獻味覺與視覺的藝術饗宴
高山韻味 迴盪不絕北宋范寬《谿山行旅圖》描繪巍峨高山,視角自山下看山巔,行旅驢隊人物從小丘間趕路,更顯崇山峻嶺之峰巒渾厚,細如弦絲的瀑布直洩而下,彷彿可聽聞溪聲在山谷間迴蕩。
The charm of the high mountains lasts endlesslyFan Kuan’s work “Travelers Among Mountains and Streams” depicts the majestic mountains, with the view angle from the bottom to the top of the mountain. As the donkey caravan hurries from hill to hill, the painting reveals the thick peaks of the lofty mountains. A waterfall is as small as a ribbon. The sound of the stream seems to be heard echoing through the valley.
The tea producer, Wang tea, which selects the fine alpine oolong tea from the mountains over 1,000 meters above sea level and uses traditional Chi-Chong Oolong roasting techniques with modern twist makes the tea taste different levels of flavors. The taste of the tea is like Fan Kuan’s painting, simply outstanding and everlasting.
香氣氤氳 回味無窮元末隱士畫家倪瓚,以畫風蕭疏空曠聞名,為元四家之一。原為富家子弟的倪瓚,因戰亂流離江南,離家後的山水畫,多半寄思鄉之情,《容膝齋圖》筆墨極為淡雅,以一河兩岸構圖,大量留白展現孤寂氣氛,展現清勁而獨特風格。
Lavish aroma with unforgettable aftertasteNi Zan was one of four painting masters in the late Yuan Dynasty. He was famous for his blank painting skill. Ni was born rich, but later wandered because of the wars. His painting represents his feeling of nostalgia. The ”Rongxi Studio” features both banks of a river in very light ink, leaving a vast and infinite space to demonstrate the lonely and solitary artistic conception.
The tea producer, Wang Tea, uses the historic traditional charcoal baking method to roast new refined Wenshan Pouchong tea. The aroma of the tea is as elegant and long lasting as Ni Zan's painting, making the drinking experiences memorable.